Monday, December 4, 2006

If You're not a Gator...You're Gator Bait!

That's right boys and girls. That won out over other fan favorites such as "If you can't get in to college, go to F$U" and "Friends don't let friends go to F$U". Here we are...largely to debate all of the CRAP that is being published about the 'invincible' Ohio State Buckeyes and how they are going to whoop up on the Florida Gators...but FIRST a bit about why Florida deserves to go to the game rather than Michigan without harping on the tried-but-true "they already had their chance" reason!

Watch for these posts in the coming hours, days, and weeks as we settle down, analyze the stats, and begin the dissecting who the better team is and the disappointing state of football analysis today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what player coined that phrase